10,347 sq ft (961.24 sq m)
To Rent on application
About property
TO LET MODERN DETACHED OFFICE BUILDING WITH 40 CAR PARKING SPACES. Prominently situated within the popular and well established Warrington Centre Park, conveniently located for Warrington Town Centre, Warrington Bank quay Railway Station and all the town centre's banking, retail and leisure amenities. Warrington Centre Park is easily accessible from the region's motorway network including J20/21 M6, J10/11 M56 and J9 M62.
Key Benefits:
* Comfort cooling
* Full access raised floors
* Open plan and cellular accommodation
* Ladies, gents and disabled WC facilities
* Passenger lift - DDA compliant
* Kitchen
* Gas central heating
* 40 car parking spaces
* Landscaped site