2,915 sq ft (270.80 sq m)
To Rent £16,000 per annum
About property
Located on the popular Palatine Industrial Estate, on the south side of the Town Centre, off the main A49 Wilderspool Causeway. The unit is conveniently situated at the front of the Estate.
The A49 intersects with Junction 10 of the M56 Motorway 3 miles further south.
A semi-detached open plan workshop of steel portal frame construction with brick elevations under a pitched roof.
The unit provides storage/workshop space, a WC and kitchen facility. To the front of the unit is a shared yard, providing room for loading and parking.
There is a 3.5 m wide x 2.7 m high sliding, folding loading door providing access to the unit.
The most recent use has been as storage for a local furniture store, although the unit would be suitable for a variety of uses.
The eaves height is 3.25m.