For Sale
Prominent location fronting Manchester Road
Industrial unit with substantial yard
About property
The property comprises a large yard with a modern industrial building towards the Northern boundary. The unit is of steel portal frame construction with block work up to 2m and cladding above. The unit measures 5.3m to the underside of the eaves and offers facilities such as an office, men's urinal and separate WC above on a mezzanine floor. Within the unit is an inspection pit and 2 personnel external doors.
The site is c. 1.56 acres with an 100m frontage on to Manchester Road and 76m frontage on to Chester Way. The site is generally level and includes palisade fencing to a height of 2.5m around the boundary.
To the West of the site, at the entrance are two portacabins, albeit these are in a poor state of repair.