About the Area
Cheshire West sits within the Cheshire & Warrington sub-region which is the best performing economy in the North of England and one of the most successful and fastest growing economies in the county.
Cheshire West and Chester State of the Borough dashboard.
Learn more about some of the businesses in our area.
- West Chester Business Improvement District (BID)
- Winsford 1-5 Business Improvement District (BID)
- Gadbrook Park Business Improvement District (BID)
- Northwich Business Improvement District (BID)
- Chester Business Improvement District (BID)
Learn more in our West Cheshire Profile document.
Learn about the local attractions and amenities.
Get more information regarding the Regeneration of West Cheshire
Climate Change presents a threat to our way of life.
The Council has worked with and engaged a range of partners, climate experts, community groups and businesses to understand the challenges and opportunities the Climate Emergency presents for our area. Two plans have been produced setting out these challenges and the actions that will be taken to achieve carbon neutrality in the borough. The first is the Climate Emergency Response Plan which focuses on the borough wide response to the climate crisis. The second is the Carbon Management Plan which focuses on the Council's response.
Visit the Cheshire West and Chester Council website for more information.
HyNet North West is a hydrogen energy and Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage (CCUS) project. The goal of HyNet is to reduce carbon emissions from industry, homes and transport and support economic growth in the North West of England. HyNet North West is a hydrogen energy and Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage (CCUS) project.
Learn more about HyNet.
Cheshire West and Chester Council's vision for an Inclusive Economy is to make West Cheshire a greener, fairer and stronger place to live, work and play. This involves bringing together businesses, and the public, community and voluntary sectors, to enable local people to contribute and benefit from their local economy and ensure that no-one is left behind.
Visit the Cheshire West and Chester Council website to learn more.

Local Industrial Strategy
Developing ambitious Local Industrial Strategies is central to delivering the National Industrial Strategy’s vision to build an economy fit for the future, with prosperous communities across the United Kingdom, and to drive up productivity.
Cheshire and Warrington LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership) is currently developing its Local Industrial Strategy, underpinned by a robust evidence base (including that which underpinned the Strategic Economic Plan). This strategy will identify the distinctive strengths of the sub-region, whilst highlighting potential issues that may hinder growth aspirations.